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Minutes: July 1, 2024

Updated: Sep 25, 2024

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Place: Remington Depot/16 E. South Railroad Street/Remington, Indiana 47977

Members Present

Susan Flickner, President; Dana Pampel, Vice President; Robert Braaksma, James Stewart, Alan Schambach

Others Present

Dale Budde, Joshua Longest, Don Schuh, Michael Martin, John Schuetzenhofer, Ross Baird, Sandy Miller, Amy Kurt and Mathew Lorentz – EDP Renewables, Bob Dowell, Kathy Gross, Ethan Dreblow (TCHS Senior), Jonah Miller (TCHS Senior), Rebecca Goddard, Jonathan Cripe, and Terri Budde.

The meeting was opened at 6:30 p.m. with the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of the June 3, 2024 Council Meeting reviewed. Council Member Braaksma made a motion to approve the minutes. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes 0 nays.


•A citizen requested to close the street in front of Bob & Connie’s on October 12 for the day to celebrate the 10th anniversary of opening their business. Bob & Connie’s would like for the Town and entire community to get involved in planning a fun-filled day. Council agreed to close the street in front of Bob & Connie’s on October 12.

•The same citizen informed Council there will be a car show in front of Bob & Connie’s on August 3. No road closure was requested. The citizen wished to keep Council informed.

•A citizen brought up an issue about a pool that needed a fence. Council President Flickner informed the resident that the Town Manager would be sending out letters in the near future to homeowners who have pools without fences. The citizen also inquired as to whether the Town provided signs reminding people to clean up after their pets. Council informed the resident that signs are not provided.

Council President Flickner recognized Ethan Dreblow and Jonah Miller, both Tri-County High School seniors, who were attending the Council meeting.

EDP RENEWABLES – Attorney Rebecca Goddard discussed the prior Wind Farm Ordinance that Council passed and the need to send that ordinance back to the Remington Plan Commission for review. Discussion heard. Council Member Braaksma moved to send the previously passed Wind Farm Ordinance back to the Remington Plan Commission for review. Vice President Pampel seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.


FIRE – Mike Martin reported:

•The monthly fire report was presented. There were 17 runs for the month of June. A copy of said report is on file with the Clerk-Treasurer.

•Last month’s fire training was on grain enclosure rescue.

•Presented a quote from Camflo Heating & Cooling regarding a deep clean of the boilers at the fire station. The total amount of the quote is Two Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($2,100.00), of which the Town would pay ½. No discussion heard. Council Member Stewart moved to approve the quote from Camflo Heating & Cooling regarding a deep clean of the boilers at the fire station for which the Town would be responsible for ½ of Two Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($2,100.00). Vice President Pampel seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.

•Discussed the issue of visibility/safety at the intersection of US 24 and New York Street and the red bus parked so close to the highway. Town Manager Cripe will contact the business owner and ask that the bus be moved back from the roadway.

UTILITIES– Joshua Longest reported:

•The lead and copper testing results came back with no lead or copper detected; SOCs were also tested and looked good.

•Testing will continue this month.

•CCR reports were mailed out June 28, 2024.

•There was a water line hit by the cable boring company and a fire hydrant out by the interstate that was ran over last weekend, both of which are currently being repaired.

STREETS – Don Schuh reported:

•Mowing, pressure washing for the murals, and lots of sticks are being picked up from last week’s storm.

PARK – Dale Budde reported:

•Dale reported that Remington Seeds held a work day at the town park. They trimmed tree branches and tore out old landscape.

•He’s been mowing and spraying for weeds.

•The park trail was sealed late last week and looks very nice.

•Discussion regarding electrical bike/scooters was heard. This issue was tabled to the August Council meeting so Attorney Goddard can conduct additional research.

POLICE – Marshal Schuetzenhofer reported:

•Monthly report was presented to Council. There were 108 calls last month. A copy of said report is on file with the Clerk-Treasurer.

•Introduced the new Deputy Marshall, Ross Baird, and thanked Council for hiring him. Deputy Baird will attend a pre-basic training class in Rensselaer, Indiana next week.

TOWN MANAGER – Jonathan Cripe reported:

•He was approached by the owner of the locker plant requesting the Town to vacate a platted road on the north side. Council directed Town Manager Cripe to move forward with vacating the platted road.

•Informed Council the Town will not be doing 1 big mural this year, but instead 3 smaller ones – 1 on the refrigeration unit at the Homestead; 1 at Town Hall; and 1 on the shipping container at Bob & Connie’s.

•Submitted an application for an AIM Placemaking Award. The award will be presented October 9 in Fort Wayne, Indiana and invited Council Members to attend.

•Citation Homes pulled another building permit recently.

•The Town Hall phone system has been updated to add police department extensions for each police officer.

•The sun shade umbrella was well received during the Legion fish fry as well as by several rentals of the Depot.

•Bids are being accepted on the Wastewater diesel pick-up truck through July 3, 2024. Bids will be opened at the August 5, 2024 Council meeting.

•Has received a purchase agreement for the street barn property. This property will close in July and then the building will be sent out to bid.

•The billing clerk prepared and mailed out the CCR Report this year and did a great job! And it was mailed on time!

•A customer code audit was recently completed in the billing program and two changes were made.

•The boring company hit a service line recently. The Town had to issue a stop order. There was a meeting the next morning with Surf Internet officials and the bills incurred by the Town will be covered.

•The IDEM permit has been received. The sewer line project will be starting soon.

•He is working on obtaining an easement by the Apostolic Christian Church for the water line relocation.

•Town residents who have pools that are not enclosed with a fence will be receiving letters soon. He is aware of 6 pools currently.

TOWN ATTORNEY – Rebecca Goddard reported:

•Working with the Town Manager to establish formal written rules for the Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals when considering applications.

•Discussion heard regarding the recent water rate ordinance. Council Member Schambach moved to rescind Ordinance 2024-06-03-002, an Ordinance Amending the Rates and Charges for the Use Of and Services Rendered by the Waterworks System of the Town of Remington, Indiana which was passed June 3, 2024. Vice President Pampel seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.

•Ordinance 2024-07-01-001, an Ordinance Amending the Rates and Charges For the Use of and Services Rendered by the Waterworks System of the Town of Remington, Indiana was introduced. Public hearing will be set for August 5, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. The Clerk-Treasurer will advertise the rate change in the Rensselaer Republican. The Utility Department will mail out notice of the rate change to all outside town limit water users. Ordinance 2024-07-01-001 was tabled to the August 5, 2024 Council meeting.


•Town Manager Cripe presented a quote from Bore-It Corporation regarding the water main under the highway at US 24 and Ohio Street that needs relocated and replaced due to lead/copper lines. The quote is for Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($14,500.00). No discussion heard. Council Member Stewart moved to approve the quote from Bore-It Corporation regarding the water main under the highway at US 24 and Ohio Street that needs relocated and replaced due to lead/copper lines at a cost of Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($14,500.00). Vice President Pampel seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.



•Clerk-Treasurer Budde reminded Council of the following 2025 budget dates: Budget Public Meeting is set for September 9, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. Budget Adoption Meeting is set for October 7, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. Both meetings will be held in conjunction with Council meetings and will be held at Town Hall/13 E. South Ohio Street/Remington, Indiana.

•The May Financial Statement was presented. Council Member Braaksma moved to approve the May financial statement. Council Member Schambach seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.

•Claims docket presented for approval. Council Member Stewart moved to approve the claims for payment. Council Member Braaksma seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m.


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