Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Remington Town Hall/13 E. South Railroad Street/Remington, Indiana
Members Present
Susan Sigo, President; Dana Pampel, Vice President; James Stewart, Robert Braaksma, Alan Schambach
Others Present
John Schuetzenhofer, Rebecca Goddard, Jonathan Cripe, Terri Budde.
Meeting opened at 6:30 p.m.
Minutes of the December 2, 2024 Council Meeting reviewed. Council Member Braaksma made a motion to approve the minutes. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
POLICE – Marshal Schuetzenhofer reported:
Presented quotes for a new Dodge Durango squad car from LaPorte Dodge. A 2023 Dodge Durango (new) is Forty-three Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-two Dollars ($43,262.00); a 2024 Dodge Durango (new) is Forty-seven Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty-five Dollars ($47,835.00); and a 2025 Dodge Durango is approximately Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). Council tabled making a decision on the purchase of a new squad to the January 6, 2025 Council meeting.
Presented a quote from Martel Electronics for 2 ultimate police car cameras and 2 auto wireless download keys with a cost of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-eight Dollars ($7,398.00). Clerk-Treasurer Budde presented Resolution 2024-12-16-002 Approving Appropriation Encumbrances For 2024 Budget Year which, if approved, will encumber the money for both cameras and the download keys. No discussion heard. Council Member Schambach moved to approve the purchase of 2 ultimate police car cameras and 2 auto wireless download keys with a cost of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-eight Dollars ($7,398.00) as well as approving Resolution 2024-12-16-002 encumbering those funds. Vice President Pampel seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
TOWN MANAGER – Jonathan Cripe reported as follows:
Discussed with Council that there is a new provision in the statute to allow for the payment of public safety expenses from TIF funds.
Informed Council that at the last Economic Development meeting he learned Advanced Auto employs four hundred (400) people. They are wanting to expand their workforce but are concerned about housing growth.
Jasper County Economic Development will have a housing study prepared for the entire county at a cost of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00). He is hopeful the Town will agree to become a part of that housing study and be able to assist the county with the cost.
Received information from Kelly Anthony that the USDA will receive $6.3 billion dollars to be spent on rural infrastructure. He will make contact to see if the lead service line replacement project would be included in this.
Requested permission for employee Don Schuh to take pest spray/treatment classes through Purdue during the winter. Council allowed the employee to take these classes.
Recently had a meeting with Invoice Cloud and will have another meeting on January 8 regarding emergency notification alerts. Invoice Cloud is currently offering a phone payment system that he thinks looks good. It will include a Spanish speaking option and will cost $2.95 per transaction plus an additional $.95 convenience fee to the customer. The Town will incur no additional costs if this option is utilized.
TOWN ATTORNEY – Rebecca Goddard
Presented Amended Resolution 12-16-001 Regarding the Transfer of the Ambulance Building to Jasper County.**** No discussion heard. Vice President Pampel moved to approve Amended Resolution 12-16-001, ***. Council Member Schambach seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Presented the Deed deeding the Ambulance Building to Jasper County. No discussion heard. Council Member Stewart moved to approve the Deed transferring ownership of the Ambulance Building to Jasper County. Council Member Braaksma seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Presented a draft Ordinance of the Town of Remington, Indiana to Abolish Town Legislative Body Districts. She requested Council review this Ordinance. Council requested this Ordinance be tabled to the January 6, 2025 Council meeting.
Presented a draft Ordinance of the Town of Remington, Indiana Establishing Standards for the Keeping of Chickens. Discussion heard. Council requested this Ordinance be tabled to the January 6, 2025 Council meeting.
Clerk-Treasurer Budde requested permission to pay the SRF loan payment due January 1, 2025 in the sum of One Hundred Sixty-eight Thousand Twenty Dollars ($168,020.00). Council Member Stewart made a motion to approve the payment of the SRF loan payment. Council Member Braaksma seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Presented an invoice from Bahler Repair in the amount of Six Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Dollars Thirty-seven Cents ($6,890.37) for the replacement of the transmission and other repairs as noted on the invoice to the White International dump truck. No discussion heard. Council Member Braaksma made a motion to approve the payment of Six Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Dollars Thirty-seven Cents ($6,890.37) to Bahler Repair. Council Member Schambach seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Presented the November 2024 Fund/Financial Analysis prepared by CPA Stan Cook. No discussion heard. Vice President Pampel moved to approve the November 2024 Fund/Financial Analysis. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Council Member Stewart moved to approve payment of the claims as presented. Council Member Braaksma seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
In other business, Council President Flickner presented Council Member Braaksma with an appreciation gift for his years serving on the Remington Town Council. Council Member Braaksma will resign effective December 31, 2024.
Meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.
Next Meeting: January 6, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at the Remington Town Hall.