Time: 6:30 p.m.
Place: Remington Town Hall/13 E South Railroad Street/Remington, Indiana 47977
Members Present
Susan Flickner, President; Dana Pampel, Vice President; Robert Braaksma, Alan Schambach, James Stewart
Others Present
Mark Jones, Joshua Longest, John Schuetzenhofer, Mike Martin, Dale Budde, Don Schuh, Kathy Gross, Jeff Byer, Amy Kurt (EDP Renewables), Hannah Arvin, Sara Zarse, Rebecca Goddard, Jonathan Cripe, and Terri Budde.
Public Meeting on Ordinance Amending the Rates and Charges For the Use of and Services Rendered by the Waterworks System of the Town of Remington opened. No public discussion heard. Public meeting closed.
The August Council meeting was opened by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:35 p.m.
Minutes of the July 1, 2024 Council Meeting and July 1, 2024 Budget Workshop reviewed. Council Member Braaksma made a motion to approve the minutes. Council Member Stewart seconded the motion. Motion passed with a vote of 5 ayes and 0 nays.
A concerned citizen brought up the issue of fireworks being set off in the Town of Remington. Council encouraged the citizen to contact our local senator and representative.
UTILITIES – Mark Jones and Joshua Longest
Mark Jones reported:
Sludge was recently hauled.
Big water month.
Joshua Longest reported:
It was a very busy water month. There have been several repairs to water lines due to the boring by the fiber tech company. This is also causing many locates to be done.
An IDEM inspection was performed July 15, 2024. All went well.
The water loss audit was completed recently and submitted timely. The Town did better than past audits performed.
The water main from Indiana Street on the north side of US 24 has been extended. Accu-Dig will be here tomorrow and this will remove 7 people from lead/copper lines.
A locate at 1600 S dug up an old map. A water line was hit by the boring machine and was recently repaired.
There will be water testing completed this month.
The Service Building water meter is now separate.
The lead and copper inventory has been completed.
Dale painted fire hydrants recently.
STREETS – Don Schuh reported:
Streets Department has been picking up a lot of sticks after the recent storm and is mowing when needed.
He’s helping the Water and Wastewater Departments when needed.
The new Street dump truck was here and has been returned to fix a few issues.
PARK – Dale Budde reported:
He is back to mowing, spraying and keeping up with maintenance at the park.
POLICE – John Schuetzenhofer reported:
Police Report for the month is distributed to Council. A detailed call report is on file with the Office of Clerk-Treasurer.
Deputy Powell was recently injured during an incident. He is back to work.
The new deputy, Ross Baird, is doing well and working on training.
FIRE – Mike Martin reported:
Fire Report for the month distributed to Council. A detailed report is on file with the Office of Clerk-Treasurer.
The new compressor and fill station have been installed. It works great and is much quicker.
TOWN MANAGER – Jonathan Cripe reported:
Pool fence letters were mailed last month. For the residents who have not responded, there will be a follow-up letter by Attorney Goddard sent out during the fall/winter.
The Town now has .gov emails set up, which is something we’re supposed to have.
The lead service inventory is completed. Additional information will be gathered and the information should be submitted by the end of August, well ahead of schedule.
He recently attended an INDOT ADA & Title IV training. The Town will have to update it’s ADA plan. He has requested HWC Engineering to provide a quote.
Our PASER rating has been updated.
Our Community Crossing Match Grant is almost closed out.
We will continue with the policy of having residents sign a voluntary annexation waiver if they want to tie in to Town utilities.
Presented a quote from 181 Properties to clear coat the murals that were completed this year in the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($1,800.00). Council Member Schambach moved to approve the quote from 181 Properties to clear coat the murals that were completed this year in the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($1,800.00). Vice President Pampel seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
We have been selected/awarded a Placemaking Grant which will be awarded on October 9, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. at the AIM Ideas Summit luncheon in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
We have had good responses on the park survey. HWC Engineering has all of the information from the survey being conducted.
TOWN ATTORNEY – Rebecca Goddard reported:
Resolution 2024-08-05-001, a Resolution of the Town of Remington, Indiana Authorizing Real Property Transfer to Jasper County Commissioners presented. No discussion heard. Council Member Stewart moved to approve the Resolution of the Town of Remington, Indiana Authorizing Real Property Transfer to Jasper County Commissioners. Council Member Braaksma seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Ordinance 2024-07-01-001, an Ordinance Amending the Rates and Charges For the Use of and Services Rendered by the Waterworks System of the Town of Remington, Indiana presented. No discussion heard. Vice President Pampel moved to approve the Ordinance Amending the Rates and Charges For the Use of and Services Rendered by the Waterworks System of the Town of Remington, Indiana. Council Member Schambach seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Ordinance 2024-08-05-002, An Ordinance Creating Wind Farm Overlay (WFO) District presented. No discussion heard. Council Member Braaksma moved to approve Ordinance 2024-08-05-002, An Ordinance Creating Wind Farm Overlay (WFO) District. Vice President Pampel seconded the motion. Motion passed with 3 ayes and 2 nays.
Council Member Schambach brought up the issue of the closed/abandoned grain elevator. Discussion heard. Attorney Goddard will send a letter explaining the violations and requesting the owner of the grain elevator attend a Council meeting.
Clerk-Treasurer Budde presented a quote for a new Dell Computer with software for Deputy Ross Baird’s office. The quote is in the sum of One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-three Dollars Sixty-one Cents ($1,383.61). Council Member Stewart moved to approve the purchase of the Dell Computer with software in the sum of One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty-three Dollars Sixty-one Cents ($1,383.61). Council Member Braaksma seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Council President Flickner opened the 1 bid for the purchase of the old wastewater truck. The bid is in the sum of Thirty-three Thousand Dollars ($33,000.00). Council Member Braaksma made a motion to award the bid/purchase of the old wastewater pickup truck to Donald Schuh for the payment of Thirty-three Thousand Dollars ($33,000.00). Vice President Pampel seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
The discussion on allowing electric bikes/scooters on the park trail was continued. No decision was made and this issue was tabled to the September 9, 2024 Council meeting.
Clerk-Treasurer Budde reminded Council that the public hearing on the 2025 Budget is set for September 9, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Remington Town Hall/ 13 E. South Railroad Street/Remington, Indiana. The budget adoption meeting on the 2025 budget is set for October 7, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Remington Town Hall/13 E. South Railroad Street/Remington, Indiana.
June 2024 and July 2024 financial statements presented. Vice President Pampel made a motion to approve the June and July 2024 financial statements. Council Member Schambach seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Council Member Stewart moved to approve the claims as presented for August. Council Member Braaksma seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 0 nays.
There being no further business to discuss, Council meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.