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In our continuing effort to beautify the town and improve our services and effectiveness, we are thrilled to begin construction on our new Town Hall! Not only will a formerly empty building be put to good use, but this important corner of downtown will be transformed, complimenting the area’s revitalization that began with the Depot renovation.

Project Background
The "new" town hall will be the home to the Clerk-Treasurer, Town Manager, and Utility Billing Clerk. With the added space we will be able to have the Carpenter Township Trustee, the executive director of the RWCDC, and the Town Marshal and Deputy Marshal all in one location for improved communication and collaboration. There is additional office space for future growth, a larger council meeting room, and a break room for employees. The building’s "front door" will be facing South Railroad Street and meet ADA requirements.
It began in the summer of 2019 when the Town Manager approached the Regions Corporation about donating the bank building (which had been closed for a few years at that point) to the Town. After some discussions internally, Regions agreed to the idea.
In 2020, the Town hired KJG Architecture out of West Lafayette to do some preliminary design work on the building layout/feasibility and in the summer of 2022, KJG was hired to do full construction documents. The Hamstra Group was awarded the bid in the fall of 2022 and construction started in late October. Studio RD is our interior designer on the project. Anticipated completion is summer of 2023.
Keep up on the progress by visiting this blog. Updates are posted monthly.
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