If the strength of a community is judged by the quality and quantity of relationships that bind it together, Remington is robustly healthy. From vibrant churches to active community organizations engaging in service and town improvements, there is a place for anybody who cares about their hometown to plug in.

Local Organizations
Remington Women's Giving Circle
In its first year, the Remington Women's Giving Circle membership included 17 charter members, each pledging $100 or more per year. The giving circle has awarded grants to Remington Main Street, Fountain Park Chautauqua, Tri-County Art Department, The Town of Remington, Remington Carpenter Township Public Library, and the Jasper County Women's Endowment Fund. The organization works thru the Jasper Foundation.
Troop #1278 Girl Scout Daisies
Troop leader: Jami Barber
Kindergarten girls from Remington, Wolcott and Brookston.
Meets twice a month on Tuesdays at the Remington Library Tobias Center, 6:30-7:30 PM
Cavalier Clovers 4-H Club meets monthly January thru June at the Tri-County Primary School every 1st Monday of the month at 6: 30 PM. There are 56 registered members of this club.
Remington Area Historical Society (RAHS)
This community organization meets quarterly. Contact Don Pampel for further information at: pampel@ffni.com
Tri-County Youth Soccer League
The Tri-County Youth Soccer League was started in 2001 by parents in the Tri-County area. Each fall soccer players from ages 3 and up are organized into teams. The fields are located at the Remington Community Park. Practices are typically held on Monday and Thursday evenings with games on Saturday morning. Local sponsors are generous so that fees are kept to a minimum. The league is associated with SAY Soccer. For more information, send a message to tcysoccer@yahoo.com.
Carpenter Country Clovers 4-H Club
Carpenter Country Clovers 4-H Club meets on the second Monday of each month at the Roy & Fern Community Room at the library at 6:30 PM. This is the club that merged from the former Carpenter Clovers and the Country Clovers 4-H Clubs.
The Remington Food Pantry is located at 1 N Ohio St. The pantry is open on Thursdays 10:00-11:30 am and 5:30-7:00 pm. Each family receives a box of food according to their family size along with 2 meal packets to provide 2 healthy complete meals for them along with simple instructions on how to prepare those meals. They also will receive a voucher for milk to pick up at the local IGA store.
We ask that you bring along your driver's license to show proof of residency as we serve the Tri-County School District. Each family is allowed to come 2x/month if they need the assistance.
The pantry is operated by the Remington/Wolcott Ministerial Association. This consists of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Apostolic Christian Church, United Methodist Church, First Christian Church, Baptist Church, and Palestine Church in Wolcott. Each church provides volunteers to work each week.
We are able to provide fresh items to our people because of the support of local business and organizations. Without their support it would not be possible for us to continue our stewardship.
Troop #158 Boy Scouts is open for boys of the Tri-County School Corporation. Contact Scoutmaster Jim Miller for more information. There is an additional Boy Scout Troop 159 currently for girls. Their leader is Tania Northup.
Remington Lodge #351 Free and Accepted Masons
Pack #3158 Cub Scouts is the local group for boys in the Tri-County School Corporation. Contact Scoutmaster Brandi Froehling for more information.
Friends of the Remington Carpenter Township Public Library
The Friends of the Remington Carpenter Township Public Library, Inc. is a group of concerned citizens who share the belief that a strong public library is a valuable intellectual and recreational resource in the community. Our library is tax-supported, but there are items and programs that are not included in the library's budget. The Friends of RCTPL, Inc. provide financial assistance for these needs.
Are you a "Friend" of the library? Please contact the library at 261-2543 for more information, or visit us on the web at: www.rctpl.com/friends/friends.htm. Meetings are held the 4th Monday of the month at 7pm at the library.
Zeta Xi Chapter of Kappa Kappa Kappa (Tri-Kappa)
Tri-Kappa sorority meets monthly the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7 PM, raising funds annually with their food stand at the Fountain Park Chautauqua. The group helps CHAPS, Cheer Guild, Community Ambulance, Crisis Center, Fire Department, Food Pantry, Habitat for Humanity, Hospice, Riley Children's Hospital, Remington / Wolcott Libraries, Youth Baseball and Soccer.
Contact person: Sarah Hall - mshall10@comcast.net.
Gamma Beta Chapter of Psi Iota Xi
Gamma Beta Chapter of Psi Iota Xi, founded in 1941, serves the local community. Through the years the chapter has been able to contribute many items to the community such as equipment for the doctor's office, ambulance service, fire department, library, school system and has helped families in time of need.
We have purchased items for the music and art departments at Tri-County. We have helped sponsor convocations of many types. And we support the local summer softball association. We believe in helping others any way that we can.
Other philanthropic activities supported by our chapter include: Adopt-A-Highway, Adopt-A-Family, Adopt-A-Patient, Book of the Month-Remington, Cheer Guild, Fountain Park Hotel, Hoosier Salon, Honor Awards, Indianapolis Symphony, May Speech & Hearing Month, Remington Food Pantry, Remington Library, Riley Hospital Donations, Riley Telethon.
National Website: www.psiiotaxi.com
The Remington Lion's Club sponsors community events such as the Halloween Parade, the annual Remington Christmas Parade, and the Easter Egg Hunt. The group raises funds through it's weekly night BINGO at the Lion's Club building. Each year, the group awards college scholarships to local high school seniors. The club is a chapter of the International Association of Lion's Clubs.
Local veterans enjoy visiting together at the local legion. The Remington American Legion Post 280 is located on South Railroad Street. They also support the deployment of members in the military from the local National Guard Armory. Local contact person is Jim Young.
Learn more about youth activities on the Jasper Newton Foundation website​​

Emergency & County Services
Emergency Services
For all emergencies, call 9-1-1
Police, Fire, Ambulance
Ambulance website: http://www.sjcas101.org
Jasper County Emergency Management
Phone: 219-866-9423
Indiana Poison Control
Phone: 800-222-1222
Phone 800-382-5544 for utility marking
Remington Police (non-emergency) 219-261-3133
Remington Fire Department (non-emergency) 219-261-2050
County Services
Jasper County Extension Office
Phone: 219-866-4961
Jasper County Sheriff's Department (business line)
Monday-Friday, 8 AM-4PM CST
Phone: 219-866-7344 or 219-866-4950
Jasper County REMC
Phone: 219-866-4601
Email: jasperremc@jasperremc.com
Website: www.jasperremc.com
Jasper Foundation
Phone: 219-866-5899
24 hr Customer Service Phone: 800-464-7726
Gas Leak EMERGENCY Phone: 800-634-3524